TCPL Exhibit on Homelessness
Fernando and Kim are participating in this exhibit, which starts on Saturday, March 10. The opening reception will be on Thursday, April 5 from 5-8pm. LIBRARY LAUNCHES NEW EXHIBIT ON HOMELESSNESS AND THE INDIGENT Fragile-Handle with Care , Artwork by Kim Schrag ITHACA—The Tompkins County Public Library will unveil its latest art and poetry exhibit, “Perspectives on Homelessness and the Indigent” Saturday, March 10. On display throughout the Library, this enlightening exhibit is curated by artist and arts educator Benn Nadelman and features the work of 41 visual artists and poets, representing a vast range of sociopolitical, demographic and aesthetic perspectives. Featured exhibitors include creative professionals, those administering to the indigent and members of the indigent community. The exhibit will be on display through May 24 and will be highlighted during an opening reception and public forum “The Homeless and ...