
Showing posts from June, 2016

In the Distance...

I have a new book called In the Distance, Small Beings .  It has reproductions of 24 small acrylic paintings.    I also have a new edition of Life Dancing Life , printed on heavier paper than the first printing.   Both can be purchased at Lulu  for $35. If you would rather come to the studio I will have a limited number of copies available and you can see the original artwork as well as many other paintings. Just send me a message and we'll find a time. Thanks - you are the patron! Kim  Endless Construction From the book In the Distance, Small Beings Water, Water, Everywhere  Surrounded by What We Seek From the book, Life Dancing Life

Outsider Art

Who Will Remember Humanity?  acrylic on board Beneath the Layers  oil on board The Landscape of Thought acrylic on board My friend Judy Wood has recently been putting her paintings in the forest and this inspired me to try some new places to display. So here are a few paintings next to other favorite objects. Will this replace the gallery?