
Showing posts from July, 2012


Last summer there were beautiful sunflowers in my garden and I got the urge to paint them. Painting outside and from life was quite a challenge and I ended up painting two pictures in the more manageable environment of my studio. Fernando has just framed 3 out of the 4 paintings for me and now they look very finished and ready to present.

Our Lady of Sweeping Grace

Let me introduce you to "Our Lady of Sweeping Grace." She has been in the works for a long time, but it was only this week that elements that have been laying around the studio for years finally came together to give final form to her holiness. I am referring specially to the little broom and the two smaller assemblages at the right and left of her fossil feet that Kim Schrag made in 1995 and that she gave me (maybe 5 years ago) to incorporate into a stone poem of my choosing. Kim participated in the placement of her two elements into the general design of Our Lady, so this piece can be rightfully called a collaboration between us. Enjoy, and let us know if you want to take a closer look. BTW, these are the materials that went into the piece: stone from Taughannock creek, found metal, drift wood, fossils from Cayuga lake, and raw silk, in a lined cherry shadowbox